Kort præsentation [svarende til 250 ord]:
Beskriv kort og præcist din virksomhed og dens formål, herunder link til hjemmesiden. Forklar også, hvilket problem din virksomhed løser. Giv en kort beskrivelse af dit team og eventuelle rådgivere eller investorer tilknyttet virksomheden.
Inkluder omsætning, EBITDA og resultat for det nuværende år samt prognoser for de kommende to år. Disse tal kan illustreres med en graf. Derudover vil vi gerne se forhenværende tal. Det kan også være relevant at inkludere yderligere finansielle oplysninger som investeringsbehov og nuværende værdiansættelse. Informere herunder om lån og gæld.
For at sikre, at NFF er et godt match, skal du inkludere en kort beskrivelse af, hvorfor din virksomhed passer godt til vores profil. Du kan også inkludere oplysninger om, hvilke kompetencer eller ressourcer du søger hos en investor, og hvorfor du tror, at en investor kan tilbyde disse.
Praktisk information:
Vi beder venligst om, at informationen fremsendes i form af en mail til Pitch@nordicfemalefounders.dk. Vi vil gerne modtage pitch decks som vedhæftninger i mailen, men vi beder dig om at sikre, at det kun er de væsentligste materialer, der vedhæftes. Vi modtager mange henvendelser, og hvis vi finder din virksomhed interessant, vil du høre tilbage fra os.
Denne vejledning er udarbejdet med henblik på at sikre, at alle iværksættere, der tager sig tid til at kontakte os, har lige muligheder for at blive vurderet.
Vi behandler alle indsendte pitches med respekt, men tillader os at dele dem med vores supervisor for at opnå en mere grundig vurdering af virksomheden, inden vi tager yderligere skridt.
Your pitch must include the following
Short presentation [equivalent to 250 words]:
Briefly and accurately describe your company and its purpose, including a link to the website. Also explain what problem your company solves. Provide a brief description of your team and any advisors or investors associated with the company.
Include revenue, EBITDA, and results for the current year as well as forecasts for the next two years. These figures can be illustrated with a graph. In addition, we would like to see previous figures. It may also be relevant to include additional financial information such as investment needs and current valuation. Please also include information on loans and debts.
To ensure that NFF is a good match, please include a brief description of why your company is a good fit for our profile. You can also include information about what skills or resources you are seeking from an investor, and why you believe an investor can provide these.
Practical information:
We kindly request that the information be sent in the form of an email to Pitch@nordicfemalefounders.dk. We would like to receive pitch decks as attachments in the email, but please ensure that only the most essential materials are attached. We receive many inquiries, and if we find your company interesting, you will hear back from us.
This guide has been created to ensure that all companies who take the time to contact us have equal opportunities to be evaluated.
We treat all submitted pitches with respect but allow ourselves to share them with our supervisors in order to obtain a more thorough evaluation of the company before taking further steps.